Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Honey....are you stressed?

Am I stressed.......I don't think so.
Can we be stressed and not know it ourselves??
I haven't been sleeping well, lately waking up each night around
3:00 a.m. I have no idea why.
My husband asks me, are you stressed??
No, why would I be, everything is going great. I feel I am on schedule for this Christmas Season, no complaints.
But......I am hosting my family Christmas party this year, and as much as I try to stay relaxed and realize its all going to be fine my body reacts otherwise.
I try to make everything go just right, the house set and decorated, the outside looking festive, the menu right for all tastes, and outdoor activities planned for everyone to have fun.
I do have a very big family, and help from all my sister's, I know its going to be fine.
And if its not perfect....who cares. We are all together, eating good food, sledding, skating, reminiscing, that's what is important.
So honey....I don't think I'm stressed, I am excited!!
If I can offer any advice about getting through the holidays without stress,it would be:
1  Keep it simple
2  Remember what's most important
3  Have everyone help/ pitch in
4  Have fun, laugh, be merry!!
Peace~~~~ Love~~~~Happiness!

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